Emotions Changing

Emotions Changing

A few minutes before we entered the car wash I asked my daughter for an idea on what to write…beautiful words came out…and with her permission I'm inspired to share. Out of the mouths of babes…

“You should write about emotions changing.

One minute you can be happy and the next you can feel different and that is ok.

Or sad or worried.

Just remember to stay calm because emotions don’t last forever.

Everyone has the same emotions at some time.

If you are feeling down or sad you should think of happy things or things you are excited about.

If you are anxious you should try to ‘be where your feet are’ and remember that it will get better.

If you worry about things too far in the future you will miss what is exciting right now.”

This all unfolded five years ago after a weekend getaway as we took a jaunt through the car wash.

My beautiful, brave, bold, and wise beyond her years then 10-year-old shared her thoughts on changing emotions. And so…I share with you. The image included at the top of the blog is the picture she asked me to take IN the car wash as the foam soap swirled and danced and changed before our eyes.

Much like emotions…

I was and always will be in awe of her.